Our Researchers

At CEMarin, our research team is comprised of university professors, research group leaders, and masters and doctoral students, all experts in the areas of natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and medical sciences.


They specialize in marine ecosystems, marine biodiversity, ecosystem services, hydrodynamics, morphodynamics, planning and management of coastal zones, hydrobiological resources, marine energy, and social sciences, among others. Our researchers are located mainly in Germany and Colombia, in the latter they are located in the areas of the Caribbean, Pacific and the country’s islands.


Our researchers are professors and research group leaders or members from our member universities. They all contribute to the achievement of our mission, vision and research objectives. Currently our team of researchers is made up of a group of more than 150 Colombian and German scientists. Each researcher works within one or more of our three main research themes and their corresponding research lines. They are committed to supporting the visibility of CEMarin, promoting CEMarin calls among their research students, and evaluating research proposals received within the framework of our calls.


You can find information about our researchers via this search engine and and head to their professional profiles

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There are currently 5 names in this directory beginning with the letter V.

Vanesa Diaz
Early Stage Researcher | Line of research: Marine resources

Submitted by: Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Vanessa Tirpitz
Early Stage Researcher | Line of research: Marine environmental change

Submitted by: Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen

Vanessa Urrea Victoria
CEMarin Alumni | Line of research: Marine resources

Submitted by: Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Verónique Helfer
CEMarin researcher | Line of research: Marine environmental change

Submitted by: Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)

Vladimir Giovanni Toro Valencia
CEMarin researcher | Line of research: Marine resources; Marine environmental change

Submitted by: Universidad de Antioquia