Open Calls

At CEMarin, being part of the academic processes of our researchers is essential, as it fosters both individual and collective development. Additionally, it serves as a driver of positive change that impacts society and our coastal marine ecosystems.


Our mission includes promoting research, innovative training, and the continuous building of networks in the field of marine sciences in Colombia, Germany, and at regional and global levels. Therefore, our scholarships and calls for proposals in marine sciences are the result of a collective effort that aims to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange as fundamental principles.


It is important to note that some of our scholarships and calls for proposals in marine sciences also apply to studying in other countries. We also cover various areas that are eligible for funding, such as travel expenses, materials and supplies, attendance at related events, etc.


We are pleased to share the following open calls.

scholarships and calls for proposals in marine sciences

Finance postgraduate academic activities

Published: 25th July 2024.

Deadline for applications: It will be open in 2024 as long as funds remain.


Call 24 is aimed at CEMarin – Early Stage Researcher who are developing their thesis work and/or conducting activities within a research project affiliated with a partner university, have the direct support of a CEMarin Researcher, and whose research topic aligns with CEMarin’s current lines of research.

Don’t worry if you’re not yet a CEMarin Researcher
joining is very easy!


Additionally, being part of our network comes with numerous benefits, such as support from a team of professionals in various fields and expert scientists. You’ll also receive invitations to participate in our research areas and have the opportunity to apply for scholarships and calls for proposals in marine sciences.

CEMarin Early Stage Researcher

  • Be a master’s or doctoral student at one of our CEMarin member institutions.
  • The director and/or co-director of the candidate’s thesis project must be a CEMarin Researcher.
  • The candidate’s thesis project must be related to our CEMarin research lines.
  • The candidate must demonstrate English proficiency at a minimum level of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference.
    (see table)


  • Be a professor and lead or be part of a research group at one of the member institutions.
  • The research you conduct must be related to our lines of research.


  • The candidate must have received a master’s or have completed a postdoctoral fellowship at one of  our CEMarin member institutions.

  • The candidate must demonstrate English proficiency at a minimum level of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference.
    (see table)

CEMarin Associated Researcher

  • Doctoral degree and/or be a university professor.
  • Evidence of participation as a Principal Investigator (PI) in at least one project or as a co-investigator in at least three projects.
  • Invitation letter from a CEMarin Researcher.
  • Motivation letter.

If you would like to receive more information about our calls for proposals, you can email us at